速報APP / 遊戲 / 射箭獵殺 - 中世紀帝國王座

射箭獵殺 - 中世紀帝國王座


檔案大小:38.7 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


射箭獵殺 - 中世紀帝國王座(圖1)-速報App

+++ 48-hour discount! 100% FREE! Shoot those arrows! +++

“Battle against Knight”

“Battle against Magician”

射箭獵殺 - 中世紀帝國王座(圖2)-速報App

“Battle against Ghost Jr.”

“’Battle against Grave Mummy”


射箭獵殺 - 中世紀帝國王座(圖3)-速報App

Don’t underestimate the girl power. In this game, girls are fully equipped with bow and arrows. Girls (You) have to fight with four different monsters on different stages. You can also fight all the enemies at once. With each upgrade, you get a new girl with better powers to fight for you such as “Super Girl” and “Golden Girl”. Upgrades are also available in the weapons. You get super arrows with improved power boosts to kill the enemy quicker.

Graphically, this game takes away the cake in the genre. The transitions are so fresh and smooth that you won’t feel that you are playing it on your phone or Tab. It gives the feel of high-end gaming stations. Witness the power of girls through Archery Slayin.

+++ Game Features +++

射箭獵殺 - 中世紀帝國王座(圖4)-速報App

“Upgradable Characters”

“Upgradable Weapons”

“Fight All Enemies at Once”

射箭獵殺 - 中世紀帝國王座(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad